About Us
we are offering Low cost, high accuracy infrastructure surveys:
Bike Lanes, Sidewalks, Pedestrian Infrastructure, Bike Parking

Our Story
We always knew we wanted to do something with bikes, walking and other human-powered ways of getting around. Any vacation to Europe or Disneyland, any jaunt into Jane Austen's world (really any other part of history) makes it patently clear: communities built for walking and other human-powered forms of transportation are healthier, more affordable, more vibrant, more resilient.
We spent over a year trying to understand what factors have led to our current over-reliance on costly and inefficient transportations systems. While the answers remain complex and partially illusive, one thing is clear: a dearth of data on pedestrian and bike infrastructure is holding us back.
In order to support a societal transition to a healthier, more affordable way of living, we need accurate infrastructure data. Without data, planners can't plan, they can't create budgets for projects and without budgets,
In January 2024, we said enough is enough. We started working on a means to re-map the world, this time from the perspective of people on foot and on human-powered vehicles.
At Bikeincubator, LLC we are committed to using technology to bring about a more sustainable future: a future with a lower cost of living, where we don't fear our children getting crushed under cars, a vibrant future with community and human fellowhship as its central guiding light.